Organically grown • Hand picked • Optimum nutrition

The Quinta Feijoas Range.

Hand picked,
organically grown feijoas

Nation wide delivery by courier

Bulk orders by arrangement
from top grade through to processing grade
Feijoa Chutney - dried fruit, onions, spices, vinegar, sweetening and organically grown feijoas
Feijoa Jam - lemon, ginger, sweetening and organically grown feijoas
Feijoa Jelly - lemon, sweetening and organically grown feijoas

Olives preserved for at least 6 months, placed in jars with either chilli, feijoas or rosemary and covered with Q.M. Olive Oil
Olive Oil - infused with flavours ideal for dressings and cooking

Quinta Feijoas & Preserves available from:
The Orchard 61a Omaha Valley Road, Omaha
Online orders - can be collected or delivered by courier
The Matakana Village Farmers Market - Saturdays (March - June)
Road Side Kiosk - daily (March - June)
Gull Matakana (March - June)
Smoko Room Sawmill Brewery (March - June)
Bulk Order - by arrangement (March - June)
Frozen fruit & preserves - available year round subject to stock
Bulk Order frozen fruit - year round by arrangement

Orders & enquiries
61a Omaha Valley Road,
Matakana, Warkworth
New Zealand
+64 (0) 274 364 948

Our story

Helen and Peter Lory inherited the orchard of trees when they bought the property in 2011. There an idea was born, ... Why not make this a life style and business venture with health and well being a motivation around this wonderful succulent fruit ... Their idea was pollinated with multiple thoughts and today you have discovered the birth of a brand they intend to feed New Zealand with.
The joys of organic farming are many and varied. In the midst of our daily grind Fantails busy themselves as unpaid servants in the orchard tending to the insects and if you are like Helen and Peter they are always an attractive, un-complaining delight. Whilst a large variety of bird species reside in our organic orchard just a few do the important task of pollinating the beautiful feijoa flower during their daily quest for food.
Our feijoa cultivars ripen at different stages throughout the season from March to June and their taste is ... Out of this world ..., high in vitamin C, minerals, fibre and antioxidants - you cannot stop at scooping out the flesh of just one!
Growing organically at our Quinta ensures much improved soil condition, greater natural life, more birds and a better quality fruit.

Enjoy our journey and grow with us
61a Omaha Valley Road, Matakana, Warkworth 0985, NEW ZEALAND